Guarantee the health & safety of your employees work place against COVID 19
A non toxic solution
100% safe for people and environment
Guaranteed solution against COVID 19
Eliminate the risk to ensure ‘Peace of mind’ for your staff, customers and guests
COVID 19 Treatment – STEP 1
Disinfection Fogger for all indoor spaces
Used for the application of disinfectants and sanitisers due to optimal drop size to fight germs, fungi and viruses.
Sanitisation treatment using
COVID 19 Treatment – STEP 2Disinfection by Ozone Generation
An intelligent system to deactivate the ozone and covert it into oxygen leaving the places ready to be occupied instantly.
It provides a safe disinfection and deodorisation in any place that requires TOTAL disinfection.
COVID 19 Treatment – STEP 3
Advanced training is included to ensure the management and staff can be proactive to ensure people are screened in a non-evasive manner before entering the building.
COVID 19 Treatment – STEP 4
On completion a certificate is issued guaranteeing the facility has been sanitised and disinfected against the COVID-19 virus.